Embrace The Moment

by - July 07, 2014

GRATITUDE. Birthday party celebration, breathtaking view, huge waves splash, banana boat, endless pictures, fun crazy games, great companies, super cheap beer and non-stop laughter sums up the stressful happy ending as a freshman! I miss all of them already. "It's not the place that make it worthwhile, but the people you spend the time with" quoted by my bestie, Kye! It was such a blast knowing all of these awesome people. Thankiu for the happy birthday midnight song, thankiu for the surprise during dinner. I'm surprised yet so blessed and eternally grateful. Give my 10 fingers applause to Jared and Vishnu whom arranging this trip to be super fun lolol. I'm finally 22 #imoldalreadyomgicantbelieveit, people say life begins at 22, what it might bring? it's a good one, i believe! teehee 

 Bunch of lovelies (not everyone in this pic lolol)

and, this trip wouldn't be complete without my girls by my side. I adore them so :)

It is not the end, its the start of something new. One door closed, another one open wider. Today is my first day of internship and everything is looking really good. Great colleagues and I just need to perform really well. Let's make the 2 months worth it. Bye!

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