This and That is Love

by - May 06, 2014

AM I IN LOVE? I don't know at the moment, but what I knew I was in love when I looked at him and smile. I could barely talk, but all I could think of is a topic ; a topic to start with. Before that moment, I was not sure how I felt about him, but then I knew; I was in love. 

It was always been an argument between ur head and your heart whether who should make a turn first. In the end of the day, the ecstasy is the same ; falling slowly and addicted to you.

The songs always make sense ; when you listen, the mystery and doubt is gone, and you just knew it. Just like an inner glowing warmth that flows through body of complete enlightenment. 

There is no question. It was weird but when I think back again, I couldn't help but smile in recalling back those memories. 

what about you? love is a beautiful thing that ever happen to someone's life. I hope you guys out there have met someone you love dearly. toodles! 

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  1. Feeling of falling in love is amazing but do remember the feeling of having "butterflies in your stomach" will not be there forever. The next level from that is accepting, caring and following. I'm lucky I met my Mr. Right, someone that I'm willing to submit myself to him with my life. Good luck to you too!
    Btw, love the little cropped top, very chic and lovely! Thanks for your comment on my blog and yes I'll be more than happy to follow each other. Follow you now on GFC (Cassandra L.M), and Bloglovin. Hope to see you soon at mine.

  2. Great Post & lovely Blog!
    I follow you now on GFC & Bloglovin :-)
    Hope you can follow back♥

  3. So cute!

    would you like to follow eachother on GFC, google + and blogovin?


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